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The History of Rum in Mauritius

Boasting centuries of know-how in rum production, Mauritius is an essential stop for wine lovers around the world. From traditional/craft rums made from molasses to agricultural rums made from sugarcane juice, Mauritius has transcended the barriers between French and British influences in production to create a vast collection of exceptional rums.

Sugarcane was introduced to Mauritius in the 17th century by the Dutch on the route to India. It was, however, during the French and British rule that sugarcane production was exploited to its fullest while making the most of the unique assets that the island has to offer: it’s hot and humid climate all year round, its volcanic, clayey and well-drained soils, which reflect in the Mauritian rum.

Rum production in Mauritius dates back to the 19th century, but it is during the last decade that Mauritius has established itself as one of the leading producers of quality rum. Since 2010, Mauritius’s rum export revenues have increased by 177%. This sector, which is one of the pillars of the economy, now boasts 16 Mauritian rum producers. They are classified into different categories, including traditional rum, agricultural rum and arranged rum.

Make the most of your stay in the tropics to taste one of the best local brandies or rediscover some of the established rum brands.

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